Pseudo-history course: Create-a-Myth assignment
This is going to be so fun!
“Assignment Objective: The point of this assignment is to create a pseudo-historical theory from scratch and explain the process and details needed to make it fully believable in popular media.
Assignment Question: Make me a myth and make me believe in it. Your paper should come in two parts. First, write the myth in the manner of pseudo-historians. Let yourself be inspired by the readings from this semester. Provide the “proof” that is needed to make the myth work. Second, explain how this myth is believable and how it could endure. I will be analyzing the logic of your arguments carefully.
Formatting Guidelines: Assignments should be from 1500 to 2000 words (use the spell count on your word processor). These limits will be enforced. Written assignments must be written in PROSE. Absolutely no shorthand is allowed.
Supporting Documentation: You do need to have references and a bibliography. Some of them should be academic in nature. Others may not be. Some may be completely forged. You can add images, maps, videos, web pages, etc., that you choose to create. The point is to provide “proof” that would make your myth believable. Be creative. Illustrations and the like, as well as the works cited, do not count against the final word count of your paper.
Marking scheme:
1) Originality, 25%
2) Internal logic and “believability”, 25%
3) Documentation, 35%
4) Language, spelling, syntax, 15%